H&S & Partners assist shareholders from the first introductory conversations till the completion of a deal, when they wish to sell part or all of their shares, a division or certain company assets.

H&S & Partners guarantee absolute independence and the absence of whatever conflict of interest in relation to a potential or current transaction. This means that H&S & partners have no obligation to finance parties, accountants or whatever corporation that could limit its scope of action and the quality of its advice for the protection of its clients interests. H&S & Partners will not accept any deal that could cause a conflict of interest as regards a current project.

The various phases of a transaction

Pre-contractualexploratory discussions
Contractualmission and contract
Preparationlong list and professional valuation
Documentationsales memorandum
Contactcandidates and non disclosure agreement
Negotiationswith different candidates towards letter of intent
Realisationdue dilligence and closing

1. Pre-contractual Phase

  • exploratory discussions without any commitment on your part

2. Contractual Phase

  • mission and contract

3. Preparatory Phase

  • strategic analysis of the company and the sector in which it operates
  • eventual recommendations on measures to increase the salability of the company
  • joint determination of strategy to be followed
  • professional valuation
  • long list, joint agreement on short list of national and international candidates

4. Documentation Phase

  • drafting of a company presentation in two different formats: a blind profile and a sales memorandum. Follow-up reporting on candidates, decision on form and content of non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

5. Contact Phase

  • contact the different candidates according to agreed on procedure
  • sending of a blind profile and NDA
  • after reception of signed NDA, sending of a sales memorandum

6. Negotiation Phase

  • evaluation of candidate buyers and advice on negotiations
  • evaluation of the offers received
  • advice on drafting of letter of intent

7. Realisation Phase

  • advice and coordination of due diligence, assistance with organisation of data room
  • writing of one or more contracts regarding the transfer of ownership, the guarantees, terms of payment, …
  • closing: payment of the sales price and transfer of proof of ownership

Since your knowledge of the sector in which you operate and your determination to succeed are greater than those of your competitors, your company keeps on growing. To solidify this growth you have decided to make a strategic acquisition.

We distinguish two types of strategic acquisitions:

1. Vertical integration

  • you take over a supplier as you want to secure a source of supply or you want to deny access to a competitor
  • you decide to merge with a customer, to improve your margins or maintain a better control of marketing

2. Horizontal integration

  • you buy market share as it would take you too long to develop an organisation with the same amount of expertise and market share in an important market.

H&S & Partners assist you in every step of the acquisition process and can give proof of a profound experience in the fruitful execution of purchase missions.

The various phases of a transaction

Pre-contractualexploratory discussions
Contractualmission and contract
Preparationlong list and professional valuation
Documentationsales memorandum
Contactcandidates and non disclosure agreement
Negotiationswith different candidates towards letter of intent
Realisationdue dilligence and closing

1. Pre-contractual Phase

  • exploratory discussions without any commitment on your part

2. Contractual Phase

  • mission and contract

3. Preparatory Phase

  • strategic analysis of the company and the sector in which it operates
  • joint determination of strategy to be followed and method for valuation of target
  • long list, joint agreement on short list of national and international targets

4. Contact Phase

  • contact the different targets according to agreed on procedure

5. Documentation Phase

  • analysis of information supplied by targets
  • assistance in examination of potential synergies and consolidated business plan
  • professional valuation

6. Negotiation Phase

  • consulting in relation to negotiations
  • assist with drafting of letter of intent

7. Realisation Phase

  • assist with due diligence
  • assist with contract
  • samenstelling financieel memorandum
  • closing: payment of the sales price and transfer of proof of ownership
  • vpreparation of target integration within the acquiring company or group

You are a successful manager and you feel that your current compensation as a manager does not realize your full potential. Therefore you are willing to acquire shares in an existing company. H&S & Partners can search for interesting investment opportunities that meet your specific criteria. We also have good relations with several private equity funds that may assist you in your project.

The fact that company managers are determined to take a personal risk in acquiring shares of their company is a very strong signal towards potential business or financial partners.

H&S & Partners has acquired extensive experience in terms of MBO’s and has a large network of high net worth individuals and corporations who are permanently looking to invest in profitable business opportunities.

Why would you consider working with H&S & partners, you may already have a candidate buyer?

  • Because one single candidate may not give you a good indication of the real value of your company. There are potential candidates out there, willing to offer you more. We can give you access, through our network of professional investors, to a larger candidate base than you can probably find on your own.
  • Because H&S & partners enhances your negotiating position in the following manner:
    • When negotiating with us, a potential buyer will assume more than one candidate is in the running, which should lead him to make a higher offer than he otherwise would.
    • Candidates have an opposite interest from yours. They will take a hard look at your company and are often very experienced with M&A. This could elicit emotional reactions on your part that can jeopardize the whole process. If you are forced to take a position, that position will be binding, since you have the final responsibility. We on the other hand, can always interrupt negotiations to get your point of view.
    • The process of selling a business involves walking a very fine line between the protection of your know-how and other assets and the need to duly inform the buyer. We may have more experience managing this difficulty.
    • We may spot issues that make it harder to sell your business. As interim managers and business consultants we can assist you in taking definite measures that will make your company more saleable.
  • Because the advisors you (sometimes) work with, e.g. lawyers, accountants, are usually versed only in one aspect of the transaction cycle.
  • Because bringing a transaction to fruition involves a full-time job. Do you think you can squeeze this one more project into your already overflowing diary and be able to react in a timely manner to all the questions that will put an extra burden on you and interrupt your activities at random?
  • Because when you are dealing with us, you will only have to explain everything to us once. We will relay your wished to the different candidates, after having sorted the curious from the really interested and interesting candidates. This will let you go one making money.

With a professional experience of more than 20 years, H&S & partners truly masters every step in the process so that you can be assured to realise the highest added value when selling your business.

With us you are not just a client. We give you our full attention and a highly personal approach. We are at your disposal 24/7.

H&S & Partners work on the basis of no cure no pay. You will not receive from us, and endless stream of invoices, just “to try” selling your company.

picture of Michel
picture of two quotes

We wear high priority to ethics and discretion.

H&S & Partners, A. Peutermanstraat 10, 8560 Wevelgem – Belgium
T +32 56 42 13 70 – F +32 56 42 48 30